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Child Support

A Fair Amount for a Fair Future

Child Support

Despite how separating spouses may feel about each other, one thing is certain—the children come first. Whether you’re pursuing or negotiating a fair child support agreement, you need legal representation. When deciding on child support payments, the court may overlook or misinterpret certain financial indicators. This oversight can result in payments that are too low or too high. When negotiating your children’s future and your financial ability to raise them, let Amaze Legal Services help.

At Amaze Legal Services, we’ll put our 30 years of legal expertise to work for you by securing a reasonable amount of support. Children need housing, clothes, food, and educational expenses among so many other forms of financial investment. To secure the best future for your child and yourself, trust the family law expertise at Amaze Legal Services.

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(248) 443-0786

Experts in Family Law & Separation Agreements

Negotiating adequate child support is not for the faint of heart. Heated arguments, protracted negotiations, and unresolved issues arising from separation can seriously jeopardize the ultimate amount you pay or receive. You need expert legal representation from knowledgeable attorneys with specific experience in family law.

Andre Mays currently serves as the Legal Services Director for the Juvenile Law Group, PLLC in Detroit, MI. Beyond his present responsibilities centering on juvenile rights and care, Andre benefits from a diverse, 30-year career of legal service. Offering both limited scope and full, traditional representation, we can help as much or as little as you need. You’re not alone in fighting for reasonable child support payments. Amaze Legal Services can take your case today.

A Fair, Honest, and Successful Divorce Attorney

Helping our clients navigate their divorce or family law matters successfully with care and understanding. Contact us today for a free consultation.

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